We are hoping to have the monthly bulletins available here very soon. (Nov 19, 2021)s.
We are looking for a volunteer to post a digital PDF copy to this page. Very simply instructions will be provided by Deacon Raymond as soon as a vulunteer is found from the council, which could be a family member of one of our Knights. To see an example, please refer to the the KofC link for the Corpus Christi Council on our site HERE
Please contact Dcn Raymond if you are interested or could suggest someone who can add the latest newsletter once a month.
The Knights of Columbus Council 9693 in Pain Court received its charter in 1988. Many of our current members were already Knights before the council received its charter, as they were members of Council 1412 in Chatham.
Who are the Knights of Columbus? They are the world's largest Catholic, family and fraternal service organization with over 1.8 million members in nearly 14,000 councils who, in 2010, contributed over $139 million and 64 million service hours to charitable and benevolent causes. In Ontario, Knights contributed over $5 million and 500,000 service hours in charitable works.
What about within our parish community of Immaculée Conception and St-Philippe? The Knights contribute financial support to our church, its ministries, our schools, our children and worthy charitable organizations such as Pro-Life movements. Much of the maintenance work and renovation work in the church, the rectory and the former convent (where the parish office is housed) is done by Knights. Funds contributed by the Knights and the Ladies of Ste-Anne for these projects and the labour volunteered by our members save this parish a great deal of money.
Fundraising is an important part of what we do. The special events we coordinate give us the funds needed to do all of the things mentioned in the previous paragraph and more. These include community meals, Euchre tournaments, food and beverage stands at local community events, bingos and more. These events are a lot of work but also give our members opportunities to fraternize and have some laughs. Our volunteers invariably feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for having contributed to the success of these events.
Every Catholic gentleman is invited to join the Knights of Columbus. Why should you join? Because we need you! To be as effective as possible and even maintain the current level of support to our community, we need new members. It's no secret that our membership is aging and without new members, our numbers will diminish. By joining the Knights, you can feel that sense of pride and contribute to the support of our church and community which is so critical.
If you would like to join, or ask questions, please contact any of the following individuals:
Yvon Sterling - Grand Knight (519-354-6866)
Robert Demers - Deputy Grand Knight (519-354-1397)
Simon Rivard - Financial Secretary (519-355-1455)