Summary of Minutes of Transition Team meeting June 24
The Transition Team held its last meeting on June 24 and will now become part of the new Parish Pastoral Council for the Family of Parishes (FoP). We will meet monthly beginning in August.
A new Finance Committee for the FoP is being finalized.
The Mass schedule has been adjusted based on feedback from parishioners and priests and so the new schedule is as follows: Changes are bolded.
All new mass times will begin July 10th
Weeeknd Masses:
Saturday 5:00 pm: Mass at St. Francis Xavier and Immaculée Conception*
Sunday 8:30 am: Mass at St. Peter’s and Visitation (French)
10:00 am: Mass at St. Francis
10:30 am: Mass at Immaculée Conception*
11:30 am: Mass at Visitation (English)
* Masses at Immaculée Conception will rotate between French and English on a monthly basis.
WeekDAY Masses:
Tuesday: 8:30 am at Immaculée Conception (French)
7:00 pm at St. Peter’s
Wednesday: 7:00 pm at St. Francis and Visitation (English)
Thursday: 8:30 am at St. Peter’s
7:00 pm at Immaculée Conception (English)
Friday: 8:30 am at Visitation (French)
8:30 am at St. Francis (English)
If you know anyone who does not have internet access, please share our news with them until will we can resume paper notifications.