Minutes from General Meeting CWL St. Francis Xavier Tues. Mar. 1st, 2022 at Liz Trudell’s Opening Prayer: Meeting began with prayer “Meeting Prayer” from booklet at 7:10 pm
Food Bank Project: Michelle and Dale Rivard brought the collected items from January and February to the Tilbury HELP Center. The donations totalled 149 lbs. They appreciated the generosity of our church. A report will be sent in.
New Business:
Fundraiser: In honor of Tampon Tuesday we will ask for donations of hygiene products in May for our local food bank. A list of suggested items will be discussed and put in the bulletin.
Fundraiser: Idea presented by Annette Thibert-Curtis- She has ordered a quantity of sunflower seeds to be planted around the church. When the blooms are ready we could sell the flowers. Red is the colour this year for the Horticulture Society.
National Theme for 2022-2023 is “CATHOLIC AND LIVING IT”. If you have any suggestions of how to celebrate this theme please let someone of the executive know.
CWL Masses for 2022 are as follows: (1) Fri. Feb. 4- Deceased member - Leona Hope (2) Wed. Mar. 2 Deceased member - Beatrice St.Denis (3) Wed. Apr. 1 Living Members (4) Wed. May 4 Deceased Members (5) Wed. June 3 Living Members (6)Fri. July 6 Deceased Members (7)Fri. Aug. 5 Living Members (8) Fri. Sept. 7 Deceased Members (9) Fri. Nov. 11 Canadian Soldiers
Warming Centre is located at Ashley’s Place. Anyone wishing to volunteer please contact Kim Doucet.
CWL London Diocesan Council Education Bursaries:
*J.L. Hennessey Bursary is available to any league member or her immediate family. It would be used to finance education at any level. *Spiritual Advisor’s Bursary is available to league members only. It would be used to finance education at any level. Requirements: (1) Signed application form (2) Letter outlining financial need (3) Letter from the pastor of your council Deadline is April 1st 2022 To apply or for further information please contact our Diocesan President: Theresa Ryan -Email: [email protected]
World Day of Prayer: Mar. 4th, 2022- A virtual presentation can be seen at https://wicc.org/world-day-of-prayer-2022-service-video. This year it is hosted by the World Day Committee from England, Wales and Ireland. Theme “I Know the Plans I Have for You” with an emphasis on HOPE. Donation envelopes will be available at the entrance of the church. These donations will help this endeavour to continue in spite of the pandemic.
London Diocesan ‘Mary, Our Blessed Mother Lenten Retreat’: was held on Sat. Feb. 26th. Who was Mary? A Reflection on the Mother of God and a Reflection by Fr. Paul Kim. You can view this now at www.cwllondon.ca/2021LentenRetreat.html.
Stations of the Cross: If you are not able to attend the Stations of the Cross in our Family of Parishes there is a live-streamed weekly Friday Night Lenten Series entitled ‘THE CROSS SPEAKS’. These seven evenings will focus on the “Seven Last Words of Christ” spoken from the cross. There is a link at the Chatham Family of Parishes’ website www.chathamcatholic.ca
Installation of Executive of St. Francis Xavier CWL L-062
It was held on Sat. Feb. 26th. Thank you to everyone for accepting these positions.
11. Prayer Intentions for March: All Catholic Women's League members are asked to pray the rosary daily. 1. For the well-being of the Ukranian people 2. For the safety of teachers, students and all travellers during March break 3. To pray for all who are suffering in any way Michelle thanked everyone for coming Closing Prayer: League Prayer
Next Meeting: Tues. April 5th at 7:00 pm Location to be determined 50/50 draw: Rosemary Mailloux announced winner- Liz Trudell. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm